الأربعاء، 18 يناير 2012

Update From the Cross-Channel Integration Roundtable

The Cross-Channel Integration Roundtable met on September 6, 2011.  Here's a brief overview of the meeting and the group's projects.

  • Colleen Petitt, Aprimo - Roundtable co-chair
  • Dwight Sholes, Sholes LLC - Roundtable co-chair
  • Adam Cooke, Garagefly
  • April Mullen, Scottrade
  • Jeanette Brown, Informz

The team has completed the publication of our first project the “Cross Channel Marketing Guide.” This report provides ten guiding principles of a successful cross-channel marketing program and includes specific goals and actions your organization can apply to build a thriving program. We finalized group input in this call and the Guide is available in the eec Research Store.

Our next topic was our next project. The team determined that we would first like to create a survey of digital marketers to determine where they are in the continuum of integrated cross-channel marketing. In our meeting on 10/4 we will begin to work on this project.

The group also decided that we would like to subsequently develop a cross-channel audit that will allow marketers to assess where their strengths and growth opportunities are within cross-channel marketing.  Marketers will then be able to leverage the guide to improve and enhance their capabilities in each area. We will discuss this further in our 10/4 meeting and determine how we can use the survey to develop the audit.

Interested in joining the Roundtable?  Email Ali - aswerdlow@the-dma.org.

Source: http://blog.emailexperience.org/blog/contributors-to-the-eec-blog/update-from-the-cross-channel-integration-roundtable

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