السبت، 31 ديسمبر 2011

Anyone can build a Messenger client?with open standards access via XMPP

We?ve previously talked about the principles that guide us as we strive to continue delivering the most convenient ways to chat with the people who matter the most to you. Today we?re taking another step, with the public availability of access to the Messenger network via XMPP, an open standard. This means that anyone can build innovative messaging clients?either stand-alone or built into their devices?that include access to Messenger?s 300 million active users.

This builds on our perspective that you should simply be able to:

  • Choose the services you want, without re-spamming your friends with invites?More than 300 million people actively use Messenger every month. The vast majority of them also actively use other services like Facebook and Yahoo, where they have contact lists that they build and deepen every day. Because of this, we?ve steadily connected Messenger to other services, so that your Windows PC, Windows Phone, and Hotmail make it easy to sign in to your existing services and chat with who you want, without having to re-spam all your friends and force them to join yet another network.
  • Choose the devices you want, without having to switch services?Similarly, Messenger has been available for many years on a wide range of devices, using apps built both by Microsoft and through our broad partner program. In addition to the classic Messenger desktop programs for the PC and Mac, Messenger clients are available for most mobile phones and mobile operators around the world, including Windows Phone 7, iPhone, Android, Blackberry OS, Nokia Symbian, Samsung Bada, and many more.

We continue with our commitment to these principles, especially around enabling people to access Messenger from all of their devices by exposing an XMPP interface to Windows Live Messenger. XMPP is the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol which is an open technology for real-time communication used by a number of popular IM networks from Google Talk to Facebook Chat and now Messenger.

With the release of the XMPP interface for Messenger, any XMPP based chat client that can also support OAuth 2.0 for authentication will be able to connect to Windows Live Messenger to enable people to see which of their friends are online and chat with them in real-time and.

Supported XMPP Specifications and Code Samples

We currently support the following XMPP specifications

  • RFC6120: XMPP: Core
  • RFC6121: XMPP: Instant Messaging and Presence. Roster management is not supported.
  • XEP-0054: vcard-temp. The Messenger XMPP service supports fetching vCards, but doesn't support updating vCards.
  • XEP-0085: Chat State Notifications
  • XEP-0203: Delayed Delivery

Developers interested in learning more about our XMPP interface can check out our code samples on GitHub along with the overview documentation on the Live Connect developer center. These should give you enough information to get started building integration with the Messenger network into your mobile apps, devices and web sites.

As you look over our XMPP implementation, please share your comments and feedback with us in the comments or on our developer forums. We always look forward to hearing from our developer community and improving the product based on your feedback.

Your favorite services on your favorite devices

Given that it?s the end of the year, I thought it would be informative to take stock of how what we?ve done so far to enable you to choose the device you want while continuing to enjoy our services. With this announcement, we now have universally available protocols for accessing all our major services. There?s OAuth 2.0 for Live ID, a REST API for SkyDrive, Exchange Active Sync for Hotmail, and XMPP for Messenger.

Thanks to these protocols there is universal access to SkyDrive, Hotmail and Messenger either using Microsoft-authored applications on mobile platforms like Windows Phone and iOS or using applications written by other developers such as HandyScan on Windows Phone and Hotmail for Android by Seven.

As we go into the new year, rest assured that we have more ways we plan to delight developers and our customers as we further our vision of enabling users to choose the services and the devices they want without compromise.

Dare Obasanjo

Lead Program Manager, Live Connect Platform

Source: http://windowsteamblog.com/windows_live/b/windowslive/archive/2011/12/14/anyone-can-build-a-windows-live-messenger-client-with-open-standards-access-via-xmpp.aspx

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Populate a DataSet from a Database

SqlDataAdapter class represents a set of data commands and a database connection that are used to fill the DataSet and update a SQL Server database. This class cannot be inherited.

Getting data from a database is easy, and working with data is easier than before. The most important concept to remember is that the DataSet is a data structure separate and distinct from a data store. Although you get data from a database in this example, it doesn't matter where the data comes from; the DataSet will always present a consistent programming model. It is a simple collection of data with relational database characteristics. There is no Load, Open, or Execute on a DataSet because it doesn't know where it gets its data from. This section describes how to use a SqlDataAdapter to get data from a database into a DataSet.

Sample Code (with MsSql)

Dim sConnection As String = "server=(local);uid=sa;pwd=password;database=yourDatabase"

Dim objDataAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter("Select * From tableName", sConnection)
Dim dsResult As New DataSet("Result")

If Not IsNothing(objDataAdapter) Then
' Fill data into dataset

End If

' Test by bind data into datagridview control
Me.DataGridView1.DataSource = dsResult.Tables(0)

Source: http://vbnetsample.blogspot.com/2007/10/populate-dataset-from-database.html

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الجمعة، 30 ديسمبر 2011

Windows Controls


A control is an object that can be drawn on to the Form to enable or enhance user interaction with the application. Examples of these controls, TextBoxes, Buttons, Labels, Radio Buttons, etc. All these Windows Controls are based on the Control class, the base class for all controls. Visual Basic allows us to work with controls in two ways: at design time and at runtime. Working with controls at design time means, controls are visible to us and we can work with them by dragging and dropping them from the Toolbox and setting their properties in the properties window. Working at runtime means, controls are not visible while designing, are created and assigned properties in code and are visible only when the application is executed. There are many new controls added in Visual Basic .NET and we will be working with some of the most popular controls in this section. You can select the controls from the menu towards the left-hand side of this page.

Notable properties of most of these Windows Controls which are based on the Control class itself are summarized in the table below. You can always find the properties of the control with which you are working by pressing F4 on the keyboard or by selecting View->Properties Window from the main menu.

The Control Class

The Control class is in the System.Windows.Forms namespace. It is a base class for the Windows Controls. The class hierarchy is shown below.

ButtonBase, Etc, Etc
Button, Etc, Etc

Main class is the Object class from which MarshalByRefObject class is derived and the Component class is derived from the MarshalByRefObject class and so on.

The properties of the Control object are summarized below. Properties are alphabetical as seen in the properties window.

AllowDropIndicates if the form can accept data that the user drags and drops into it
AnchorGets/Sets which edges of the control are anchored
BackColorGets/Sets the background color for the control
BackgroundImageGets/Sets the background image in the control
BottomGets the distance bewteen the bottom of the control and the top of its container client area
BoundsGets/Sets the controls bounding rectangle
CanFocusReturns a value specifying if the control can recieve focus
CanSelectReturns a value specifying if the control can be selected
CaptureGets/Sets a value specifying if the control has captured the mouse
CausesValidationGets/Sets a value specfying if the control causes validation for all controls that require validation
ContainsFocusReturns a value specifying if the control has the input focus
ContextMenuGets/Sets the shortcut menu for the control
ControlsGets/Sets the collection of controls contained within the control
CursorGets/Sets the cursor to be displayed when the user moves the mouse over the form
DataBindingsGets the data bindings for the control
DockGets/Sets which edge of the parent a control is docked to
EnabledGets/Sets a value indicating if the control is enabled
FocusedReturns a value specifying if the control has input focus
FontGets/Sets the font for the control
ForeColorGets/Sets the foreground color of the control
HasChildrenReturns a value specifying if the control contains child controls
HeightGets/Sets the height of the control
LeftGets/Sets the x-coordinates of a control's left edge in pixels
LocationGets/Sets the co-ordinates of the upper-left corner of the control
NameGets/Sets name for the control
ParentGets/Sets the control's parent container
RightReturns the distance between the right edge of the control and the left edge of it's container
RightToLeftGets/Sets the value indicating if the alignment of the control's elements is reversed to support right-to-left fonts
SizeGets/Sets size of the control in pixels
TabIndexGets/Sets the tab order of this control in its container
TabStopGets/Sets a value specifying if the user can tab to this control with the tab key
TagGets/Sets an object that contains data about the control
TextGets/Sets the text for this control
TopGets/Sets the top coordinates of the control
VisibleGets/Sets a value specifying if the control is visible
WidthGets/Sets the width of the control

Control Tab Order

To move focus from one control to other quickly using the keyboard we can use the Tab key. We can set the order in which the focus is transferred by setting the tab order. The tab order is the order in which controls on the form receive the focus and is specified by the TabIndex property. To change the order in which a control receives focus we need to set the TabIndex property to different value for each control on the form. Lower values receive the focus first and proceed numerically through higher values. If there is a tie between TabIndex values, the focus first goes to the control that is closest to the front of the form.
We can also set the tab order graphically with Visual Studio by selecting Tab Index from the View menu. Boxes containing current tab order appear in each control when you select Tab Index from View menu. Click each control to set the correct tab order in which you want the controls to receive focus.

Ref: www.startvbdotnet.com

Source: http://vbnetsample.blogspot.com/2008/02/windows-controls.html

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A few FaceBook Login Tips

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/jsbi/~3/b7EmRhP0pKk/few-facebook-login-tips.html

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الخميس، 29 ديسمبر 2011

SqlCommand Methods

  • Overridden. Executes a Transact-SQL statement against the connection and returns the number of rows affected.
  • Overloaded. Sends the CommandText to the Connection and builds a SqlDataReader.
  • Overridden. Executes the query, and returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query. Additional columns or rows are ignored.
  • Sends the CommandText to the Connection and builds an XmlReader object.

Source: http://vbnetsample.blogspot.com/2007/10/sqlcommand-methods.html

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Arduino Uno launched and connected to the TouchShield Slide

Hallelujah! Finally, an Arduino edition with a sufficiently Anglicized name that I can actually pronounce!

Introducing the Arduino Uno. Uno. Pronounced: "ooo-no"

Not "doooehmillahnoevuh" like the previous version of the Arduino. Just Arduino Uno. Arduino Uno. It's as if a million teachers, educators, students, hackers, and DIY'ers cried out out in unison, and were NOT silenced by the second syllable after tripping over their tongues!

Here's my first Arduino Uno, still sitting inside its box, with no idea what kind of heinous, mind-stretching, solder-busting torture it's about to go through in the coming months. If it only knew... it might stay inside it's little comfort box:

This is my first one, taken out of the box:
Here it is, sitting next to my trusty sidekick, the Illuminato Genesis. The Illuminato Genesis is still my go-to-board for high numbers of I/O requirements, and for a slightly faster speed:
Of course my first reaction was,... does it work with the TouchShield Slide? The answer was... yes, it most certainly does:
Justin just threw the Arduino Uno up over on the Liquidware Shop... and I uploaded some pictures over at the Flickr page. I'll be using the Arduino Uno in my upcoming projects, and will start seeing if there are any particular anomalies with my code samples, although I expect there not to be.

PS I like the new logo and color art too, nicely done, Team Arduino!

Source: http://antipastohw.blogspot.com/2010/11/arduino-uno-launched-and-connected-to.html

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الثلاثاء، 27 ديسمبر 2011

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/jsbi/~3/srrp5jRDziA/how-to-buy-gold-bullion-and-also-steps.html

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Android^D^D^D^D^D^D^DCyber Monday

I've heard a lot about this magical "Cyber Monday" effect, and never really believed it until today. I've sold almost as much Android hardware in the past 3 days - including today - than I have in the previous MONTH. And the day isn't even over... I can't figure out where all the traffic is coming from...

It's like the Slashdot Effect met the Digg and Reddit Effect, and got in a three-way love triangle. And then the bastard child grew up and wanted to program Android. I guess on the one hand, I'm happy that a lot of people like the kits I'm building, and on the other hand I'm thinking to myself,... I have a lot of work to do.

It's only 2 pm, and for the first time in a long time, I'm low on almost all of the inventory and products I stock at Liquidware... but especially on the Android hardware development kits. For those that don't know, this is a big deal because all of the kits are hand made, hand soldered, and hand packaged by Will, Chris, Matt and me. I usually like to keep enough kits built up so I can hack on a few of them myself, but today, I'm so low that I've had to cancel most of my plans for the next week so I can catch up (sorry Nick!)...

The next 10-14 days are going to be ridiculous, but I will do the best I can to ensure that I don't go out of stock on anything for too long. Here's my plan:

-I'm going to spend all day soldering and building
-I'm going to spend all night programming
-I'm going to spend all "meta-night" packaging

"Meta-night" is my name for that time of the night when you really ought to be asleep, but aren't, because the program isn't compiling for some reason, and you really want to get it done before the next day. Also known as 1 am - 5 am.

I guess all I can say is, thanks for supporting Liquidware, and for supporting Open Source, the Open Source Hardware movement, hardware hacking, Arduino, and Android.

Now it's my turn to work my ass off to make sure everything gets out in time!

Source: http://antipastohw.blogspot.com/2010/11/androiddddddddcyber-monday.html

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الاثنين، 26 ديسمبر 2011

An IT Professional?s Technology Wish List

When most people think about making a holiday wish list they think of things like toys, home gadgets, and jewelry. However, if you happen to be an IT professional you may have different items on your list, ones that include upgrading PCs and software and virtualization technologies. We listened to some IT professionals and here is a list of some of the things they?re wishing for this holiday season.

Wish List Image

One thing I want this holiday season is to move my PCs from Windows XP to Windows 7.

With end of support for Windows XP quickly approaching in April 2014, many IT Professionals want to make the move to Windows 7 so they can avoid having to migrate on a timeline or possibly run an unsupported version of Windows. So if you are an IT professional and have Windows 7 on your wish list this year we suggest that you take the leap and start migrating to the Windows 7 platform which offers enhanced security and control, increased user productivity, and streamlined PC management to reduce IT costs and increase business agility. Additionally, we offer some great deployment guidance and tools to help you get the job done in 2012, which can be found on the Springboard Series on TechNet and the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit.

I wish my stocking has a magic wand that resolves application compatibility issues.

Let?s face it, application compatibility (especially when moving off of old technology like Windows XP) takes some time. If you?re an IT Professional dealing with this frustration we suggest you look into Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization (MED-V) as one of the solutions to consider in the New Year to help all your applications work in 2012. MED-V allows your users to easily create, deliver and centrally manage a virtual Windows environment by enabling incompatible apps to operate in their ?native? environment. Additionally, while you are upgrading to Windows 7 you can retain access to legacy business apps that require Windows XP. To find out more about the tools available to help you with application compatibility we suggest you visit the TechNet site and to learn more about MED-V and Microsoft Desktop Virtualization solutions please visit www.microsoft.com/DV.

I hope my boss put some new ultrathin PCs under the employee tree.

Ultrathin PCs are all the rage this year and we know that many IT Professionals will look for ways to get employees off bulky desktops and on to something new. Maybe you?re a business looking for a machine that features a long battery life, such as the HP Pavilion DM1 or Toshiba Portege Z835, so you don?t have to worry about charging your PC until the end of the day. Or maybe you need your employees to be mobile and need a machine like Acer Aspire S3 and Samsung Series 7 Slate PC, which are light, thin, and easy to take on the road. No matter what your business needs may be, there is a Windows PC out there that will benefit all of your users. We suggest that you check-out some of the new, thin PCs that have been launched this year and to see a full range of PCs available on retailer shelves visit our Microsoft site.

Santa, please take our company sky-high and give us PC management in the cloud.

Companies are implementing cloud strategies left and right into their business model. If you?re an IT Professional looking to manage and secure your PCs from anywhere you should check out Windows latest cloud offering Windows Intune. Windows Intune brings together a Windows 7 enterprise experience with a cloud service to deliver a single, seamless experience to users without having to build a big server infrastructure. This cloud service offers you a simple, web-based management solution to help deliver an up-to-date and secure Windows experience, regardless of where your employees are working. Additionally, if you use Windows Intune you receive upgrade rights to the latest versions of the Windows OS, offering a great opportunity for businesses to upgrade their PCs today.

I want to start 2012 with a bang by upgrading business software from Office 2003 to Office 2010.

Not only should you as an IT Professional be looking to upgrade your operating system this holiday season, but you might also want to take steps to upgrade the software your business uses every day. Office 2010 has new and improved features such as Co-authoring and Ignore Conversation, but still offers your users the familiarity and simplicity of the old Office that people know and love. Additionally, Office 2010 redefines what?s possible with the best productivity experience across PCs, phones and browsers, and your business will continue to see the immediate value of Office 2010?s new functionality. Also, like Windows XP, Office 2003 will reach the end of support in April 2014, making it critical for your business to upgrade so you can stay supported this holiday season

To all you IT Professionals out there we hope that all your IT wishes do come true this holiday season. And if you have other wishes on your list that we didn?t talk about please feel free to leave a comment below. Happy Holidays!

Source: http://windowsteamblog.com/windows/b/business/archive/2011/12/14/an-it-professionals-technology-wish-list.aspx

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An IT Professional?s Technology Wish List

When most people think about making a holiday wish list they think of things like toys, home gadgets, and jewelry. However, if you happen to be an IT professional you may have different items on your list, ones that include upgrading PCs and software and virtualization technologies. We listened to some IT professionals and here is a list of some of the things they?re wishing for this holiday season.

Wish List Image

One thing I want this holiday season is to move my PCs from Windows XP to Windows 7.

With end of support for Windows XP quickly approaching in April 2014, many IT Professionals want to make the move to Windows 7 so they can avoid having to migrate on a timeline or possibly run an unsupported version of Windows. So if you are an IT professional and have Windows 7 on your wish list this year we suggest that you take the leap and start migrating to the Windows 7 platform which offers enhanced security and control, increased user productivity, and streamlined PC management to reduce IT costs and increase business agility. Additionally, we offer some great deployment guidance and tools to help you get the job done in 2012, which can be found on the Springboard Series on TechNet and the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit.

I wish my stocking has a magic wand that resolves application compatibility issues.

Let?s face it, application compatibility (especially when moving off of old technology like Windows XP) takes some time. If you?re an IT Professional dealing with this frustration we suggest you look into Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization (MED-V) as one of the solutions to consider in the New Year to help all your applications work in 2012. MED-V allows your users to easily create, deliver and centrally manage a virtual Windows environment by enabling incompatible apps to operate in their ?native? environment. Additionally, while you are upgrading to Windows 7 you can retain access to legacy business apps that require Windows XP. To find out more about the tools available to help you with application compatibility we suggest you visit the TechNet site and to learn more about MED-V and Microsoft Desktop Virtualization solutions please visit www.microsoft.com/DV.

I hope my boss put some new ultrathin PCs under the employee tree.

Ultrathin PCs are all the rage this year and we know that many IT Professionals will look for ways to get employees off bulky desktops and on to something new. Maybe you?re a business looking for a machine that features a long battery life, such as the HP Pavilion DM1 or Toshiba Portege Z835, so you don?t have to worry about charging your PC until the end of the day. Or maybe you need your employees to be mobile and need a machine like Acer Aspire S3 and Samsung Series 7 Slate PC, which are light, thin, and easy to take on the road. No matter what your business needs may be, there is a Windows PC out there that will benefit all of your users. We suggest that you check-out some of the new, thin PCs that have been launched this year and to see a full range of PCs available on retailer shelves visit our Microsoft site.

Santa, please take our company sky-high and give us PC management in the cloud.

Companies are implementing cloud strategies left and right into their business model. If you?re an IT Professional looking to manage and secure your PCs from anywhere you should check out Windows latest cloud offering Windows Intune. Windows Intune brings together a Windows 7 enterprise experience with a cloud service to deliver a single, seamless experience to users without having to build a big server infrastructure. This cloud service offers you a simple, web-based management solution to help deliver an up-to-date and secure Windows experience, regardless of where your employees are working. Additionally, if you use Windows Intune you receive upgrade rights to the latest versions of the Windows OS, offering a great opportunity for businesses to upgrade their PCs today.

I want to start 2012 with a bang by upgrading business software from Office 2003 to Office 2010.

Not only should you as an IT Professional be looking to upgrade your operating system this holiday season, but you might also want to take steps to upgrade the software your business uses every day. Office 2010 has new and improved features such as Co-authoring and Ignore Conversation, but still offers your users the familiarity and simplicity of the old Office that people know and love. Additionally, Office 2010 redefines what?s possible with the best productivity experience across PCs, phones and browsers, and your business will continue to see the immediate value of Office 2010?s new functionality. Also, like Windows XP, Office 2003 will reach the end of support in April 2014, making it critical for your business to upgrade so you can stay supported this holiday season

To all you IT Professionals out there we hope that all your IT wishes do come true this holiday season. And if you have other wishes on your list that we didn?t talk about please feel free to leave a comment below. Happy Holidays!

Source: http://windowsteamblog.com/windows/b/business/archive/2011/12/14/an-it-professionals-technology-wish-list.aspx

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الأحد، 25 ديسمبر 2011

How to turn a Beagle GadgetPack into a digital ASCII bunsen burner

Time for a silly application of modularity... for no intent or purpose, simply demonstrating a Matrix-esque special effect on the front of the BeagleTouch module, running aalib's ridiculously cool aafire app.

Will and Chris put together a pretty cool little auto-loading script, and made sure all the aalib libraries were in place (which they were), and it just worked. The cool part is mostly how fast the demo seems to run...

Now time for the good part... as every hacker knows, the food pyramid contains 3 essential foods:
  1. Red Bull (drink)
  2. Pop Tarts (dessert)
  3. Raman Noodles (entree)
Yes, they are listed in that order because that is roughly how they stack up in order of mass consumed by me per week. I mean seriously,  where would Linux virtual memory, Android's driver subsystem, and Ruby on Rails be, if not for these 3 food groups? I can personally attest to consuming my fair share... not because I particularly like the taste of any of them, but simply because generations of hackers before me have lived on exactly this, and who am I to challenge tradition? (This is getting ridiculous, I know). Many books have been written about programmer and hacker productivity, methods of development, etc. but I might argue that Red Bull, Pop Tarts, and Raman are a radically under-researched productivity tool.

But suffice to say, a digital ASCII blue fire bunsen burner - although non-functional - sure *looks* cool as heck underneath a can of Red Bull, doesn't it? It must be doing something... I swear it tasted better than my not-so-highly scientifically isolated placebo trial.


Ok, here's how to get it up and running on the Beagle Embedded GadgetPack:

Open up a terminal like xterm using the keyboard connected to the USB port on the side of the GadgetPack.

Then, either download this package onto the SD card, or if you have the Wifi Module or Ethernet Module, you can type this directly onto the command to download aalib:

wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/aa-project/files/aa-lib/1.2/aalib-1.2.tar.gz 

Untar the archive:

tar xvf aalib-1.2.tar.gz 

Move to the directory:

cd aalib-1.2

Run this command to configure:

./configure --host=localhost

Then compile the source code:

make install

And then run, sit back, and enjoy the digital fire that neither keeps you warm, *nor* cools you down, so at least it's not a negative fire, or put in other terms, at least the correlation coefficient between this digital bunsen burner and utility is not negative (R is at worst 0, so ha!):

export DISPLAY=:0.0
xterm -fg red -bg black -e "./aafire"



For more pictures of the ASCII burner, I've uploaded some high res shots at flickr...

Source: http://antipastohw.blogspot.com/2010/10/how-to-turn-beagle-gadgetpack-into.html

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Complete list of Best and Free Anti-Virus for your Windows 7 :: Updated on May 2010

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/jsbi/~3/6fgOknDfCjo/complete-list-of-best-and-free-anti.html

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السبت، 24 ديسمبر 2011

Android^D^D^D^D^D^D^DCyber Monday

I've heard a lot about this magical "Cyber Monday" effect, and never really believed it until today. I've sold almost as much Android hardware in the past 3 days - including today - than I have in the previous MONTH. And the day isn't even over... I can't figure out where all the traffic is coming from...

It's like the Slashdot Effect met the Digg and Reddit Effect, and got in a three-way love triangle. And then the bastard child grew up and wanted to program Android. I guess on the one hand, I'm happy that a lot of people like the kits I'm building, and on the other hand I'm thinking to myself,... I have a lot of work to do.

It's only 2 pm, and for the first time in a long time, I'm low on almost all of the inventory and products I stock at Liquidware... but especially on the Android hardware development kits. For those that don't know, this is a big deal because all of the kits are hand made, hand soldered, and hand packaged by Will, Chris, Matt and me. I usually like to keep enough kits built up so I can hack on a few of them myself, but today, I'm so low that I've had to cancel most of my plans for the next week so I can catch up (sorry Nick!)...

The next 10-14 days are going to be ridiculous, but I will do the best I can to ensure that I don't go out of stock on anything for too long. Here's my plan:

-I'm going to spend all day soldering and building
-I'm going to spend all night programming
-I'm going to spend all "meta-night" packaging

"Meta-night" is my name for that time of the night when you really ought to be asleep, but aren't, because the program isn't compiling for some reason, and you really want to get it done before the next day. Also known as 1 am - 5 am.

I guess all I can say is, thanks for supporting Liquidware, and for supporting Open Source, the Open Source Hardware movement, hardware hacking, Arduino, and Android.

Now it's my turn to work my ass off to make sure everything gets out in time!

Source: http://antipastohw.blogspot.com/2010/11/androiddddddddcyber-monday.html

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Free Alternatives for .NET Reflector

As I use to start stories to my kids when they go to bed:

?A long long time ago when I was a kid there existed a tool called
.NET Reflector, by a great wizard called Lutz Roeder. This wizard created
a magical tool that allowed you to discover what where the dark forces of the
Framework that produced weird behavior. And he provided it to the code warrior so
they could find their path?

Well .NET Reflector still exists and is a great tool, but is no longer free. You can no longer
just download it and enjoy its bliss : S

But is everything loss. Should I sell my sword and horse to be able to use the .NET reflector Oracle ???

No. There are now good free alternatives.

First one is call ILSpy(http://wiki.sharpdevelop.net/ILSpy.ashx). It looks almost the same as .NET reflector. Is not the same but is very good

And recently JetBrains a clan of powerful code warlocks, has just release another magical jewel,
they called it dotPeek (http://www.jetbrains.com/decompiler/):

Source: http://blogs.artinsoft.net/Mrojas/archive/2011/10/06/Free-Alternatives-for-NET-Reflector.aspx

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الجمعة، 23 ديسمبر 2011

A Beginner's Tutorial to Programming Android on the Beagleboard

Android is a fun development system platform - but you have to really enjoy googling around for relatively funky command line arguments if you're planning on making any progress in the course of one night. The google guys knew what they were doing, or at least did a great job building something pretty cool that works. Chris and I have been spending a decent amount of time learning how to program Android, and so I figured I'd write up a brief tutorial for anyone out there that doesn't want to spend nearly as much time as it took us to figure it out.
The first step in programming Android is to download the Android SDK: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html

On Ubuntu Linux, I downloaded the SDK into the home directory, and unzipped / untarred it. The next step is to get the Beagle Android Gadget Pack recognizing on the USB port. The next step involves plugging a USB cable into the side of the gadget. Once it's in, run the command:


I get a bunch of Bus 001 through Bus 005, followed by Device blablabla information. Here's the trick. You want to find the ID of the Android device, so run lsusb while the device is unplugged, and then run it again. On my computer, the line that changes when the Android gadget is plugged in is:

Bus 001 Device 004: ID 18d1:9018

Ok. Now create a file called "51-android.rules". See the part in the line above that says, "18d1"? and "Device 004"? That's idVendor and idProduct respectively. So change those values in the file content below:


Then copy the file here:


This is a rather convoluted and manual way to get the Ubuntu Linux OS recognizing the Android Gadget as a native Android device. Now, you can cd into the SDK directory, and type:

./adb devices

And the device should show up. This is what I get:

List of devices attached:
20100720 device
Now I can use this command to get access to the Android Shell:

./adb shell

You'll get kicked out directly to the Android root command line, where you'll notice you can use ls, cd, cp, mv, rm, and cat. And that's about it. No text editor, no vi, no nothing. Pretty limited. Likely, you'll want to copy files on and off of the Android gadget, so you'll typically use these commands that come along with the Android SDK: 
./adb push your_file to_location_on_android 
./adb pull path_to_file_on_android 
./adb --help
And most importantly... if you have an APK downloaded or compiled for Android, and you want to install it, just use:

./adb install blabla.apk


Source: http://antipastohw.blogspot.com/2010/11/beginners-tutorial-to-programming.html

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Help us organize the next Stack Overflow conference

We?re working on a series of two-day Stack Overflow conferences for the fall:

?What?s this conference about? The idea for the original DevDays was to have high-bandwidth, intensive introductions to a wide variety of new technologies? the kinds of technologies that everybody wants to learn but doesn?t necessarily need to use on a project right now. Last time, it was things like iPhone development, Python, jQuery, Google AppEngine, etc. This year, we?re asking you. So far, there?s a lot of interest in DVCS, HTML5, and Node.js.?


Need to hire a really great programmer? Want a job that doesn't drive you crazy? Visit the Joel on Software Job Board: Great software jobs, great people.

Source: http://www.joelonsoftware.com/items/2011/05/09.html

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الخميس، 22 ديسمبر 2011

Using the GeoShield to build an Open Source Hardware GPS

I've been trying to get a GPS sensor working with my Arduino for a long time. And without fail, they just don't work. Don't get me wrong - the ones that other people have made work, but they're spotty, and you have to be in the right corner, the right place at the right time. And if a leaf flitters off a tree at just the right time, the dew moisture creates enough interference that the signal's lost. And just when the signal comes back, it fails again just as quickly and then I barely get enough data points to recreate anything interesting.

Not any more >:-)

There may be cheaper GPS shields out there, but that's not the point. The point of the GeoShield is that it works, and it's competitive with commercial off-the-shelf GPS's. Out of the box. No coding, no digging around, it just works. And if you combine it and a TouchShield Slide, you have a completely portable DIY GPS... that is as powerful as most of the mainstream GPS's out there you can buy off the shelf.
This is the only GPS shield I've been able to test reliably in cities, from cars, and inside cases. So the steps to create an Arduino GPS with the GeoShield are pretty straight forward. You'll need:
The Lithium BackPack goes in back of the DoubleWide ExtenderShield next to the Arduino, and the TouchShield Slide and the GeoShield go on top. Like this:

Here's a side angle:
And here's a funky perspective shot:
As you can see from the pictures, the GeoShield has a GPS sensor smack dab in the middle of the shield, with retro wireless solder pads emanating from it, as if to replicate a 1940's moving picture radio tower. On top of the GeoShield are a line of 4 user-controllable I/O pins (for debugging, of course), and then a GPS Rx and Tx pin, and finally a power white LED that tells you when it's powered up and has a signal. It's specifically designed this way because of all my hours of frustration with other GPS shields, wondering, "Does this thing ever work? Is it even powered on?" So this shield is designed to eliminate variables quickly, and get you up and running as quickly as possible. Oh yeah, and it also has a built in 3-axis accelerometer and compass, so it deserves it's name, "GeoShield".

Here's a link to the Open Source App Store app code that shows off a simple Night Rider program, plus polling of the GPS, Compass and 3-axis Accelerometer. The heart of the code is built into the Antipasto Arduino IDE function set:

void loop() {

   gps_msg = geo.readGPS();
   /* Print the GPS data */
   /* Parse GPS data and send to the PC */
   //for (int i=0; i< strlen(gps_msg); i++) {
   //  handleGPS(gps_msg[i]);

   /* Print the Compass heading, Accel X, Accel Y, Accel Z data */
   sprintf(out, "$GEO,H%d,X%d,Y%d,Z%d\n", comp, x, y, z);  
comp = geo.readCompass();
x = geo.readAccelX();
y = geo.readAccelY();
z = geo.readAccelZ();

//   delay(100);
   Sensor.print("co", comp);
   Sensor.print("xa", x);
   Sensor.print("ya", y);
   Sensor.print("za", z);

Here's a video showing it off:

The coolest part is that if you load up the pass-through sketch onto the Arduino, you can uncomment the coupe of lines that say, "print out to the PC", and then you can plug it in, load up a program like GPSFox, and get this:
Voila! Proof that it works - even from inside a friend's apartment!

Justin just uploaded the GeoShield over onto the Liquidware Shop, here...

Source: http://antipastohw.blogspot.com/2010/10/using-geoshield-to-build-open-source.html

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Using the JavaScript Prototype Property to Structure and Extend Code

There are several different patterns that can be used in JavaScript to structure code and make it more re-useable, more maintainable, and less subject to naming collisions. Patterns like the Revealing Module Pattern, Prototype Pattern, Revealing Prototype Pattern, and others can be used to structure code and avoid what I call ?function spaghetti code?. One of my favorite features offered by both the Prototype and the Revealing Prototype patterns is the extensibility they provide. They?re quite flexible especially compared to the Module or Revealing Module patterns out there.

Because both patterns rely on JavaScript prototyping, functions are shared across objects instances in memory and its straightforward for users of objects following these patterns to extend or override existing functionality. If you didn?t get a chance to read my previous posts on the two prototype patterns here are some basic examples of the patterns in action:


Prototype Pattern Example


var Calculator = function (eq) {     //state goes here          this.eqCtl = document.getElementById(eq); };  Calculator.prototype = {      add: function (x, y) {         this.eqCtl.innerHTML = x + y;     },     subtract: function (x, y) {         this.eqCtl.innerHTML = x - y;     }  };

Revealing Prototype Pattern Example


var Calculator = function (eq) {     //state goes here     this.eqCtl = document.getElementById(eq); };  Calculator.prototype = function () {     //private members     var add = function (x, y) {         this.eqCtl.innerHTML = x + y;     },     subtract = function (x, y) {         this.eqCtl.innerHTML = x - y;      };      //public members     return {         add: add,         subtract: subtract     }; } ();


Looking through the two examples you can see that both patterns rely on the prototype functionality available in JavaScript. The Revealing Prototype Pattern has the added functionality of being able to define public and private members within the Calculator.

Sidebar: Some people love the public/private feature and some people think all JavaScript code should be accessible to callers (which I?ll admit can simplify debugging in some scenarios). It really depends on your background and what you want. I personally like having the Revealing Prototype Pattern?s public/private member functionality available (mainly because of my background in Java and C#) since if you?re working with editors that support Intellisense or code help you only see the functions or variables that you should call as you?re typing. It?s all personal preference though and if you?d prefer to add an underscore in front of a variable or function to mark it as private then I say go for it ? to each their own.

What if you want to extend one of the Calculator objects shown above or override existing functions? When using the Prototype or Revealing Prototype patterns this is possible since they both rely on prototyping. If you?re new to prototyping here?s a quick introduction to using the prototype property and different ways it can be used in your JavaScript code.

Getting Started with JavaScript Prototyping

Prototyping allows objects to inherit, override, and extend functionality provided by other objects in a similar manner as inheritance, overriding, abstraction, and related technologies do in C#, Java, and other languages. Every object you create in JavaScript has a prototype property by default that can be accessed. To better understand prototyping, take a look at the example below. Rather than adding methods directly into the BaseCalculator constructor definition as with patterns like the Revealing Module Pattern, this example relies on separate prototype definitions to define two functions.


var BaseCalculator = function () {
//Define a variable unique to each instance of BaseCalculator
this.decimalDigits = 2; }; //Extend BaseCalculator using prototype BaseCalculator.prototype.add = function (x, y) { return x + y; };
BaseCalculator.prototype.subtract = function (x, y) { return x - y; };


This code defines a BaseCalculator object with a variable named decimalDigits in the constructor. The code then extends the BaseCalculator object using the prototype property. Two functions are added including add(x,y) and subtract(x,y). This type of definition can be simplified as shown above with the Prototype Pattern by using an object literal to define the prototype functions:


var BaseCalculator = function() {     //state goes here     this.decimalDigits = 2; };  BaseCalculator.prototype = {     //private members     add: function(x, y) {         return x + y;     },     subtract: function(x, y) {         return x - y;     } };

Once BaseCalculator is defined you can inherit from it by doing the following:


var Calculator = function () {
//Define a variable unique to each instance of Calculator this.tax = 5; }; Calculator.prototype = new BaseCalculator();


Note that Calculator is defined with a constructor that includes a tax variable that?s unique to each object instance. The Calculator?s prototype points to a new instance of BaseCalculator() allowing Calculator to inherit the add() and subtract() functions automatically. These functions are shared between both types and not duplicated in memory as instances are created which is a nice feature provided by the prototype property. An example of creating a new Calculator object instance is shown next:


var calc = new Calculator(); alert(calc.add(1, 1));
//variable defined in the BaseCalculator parent object is accessible from the derived Calculator object?s constructor alert(calc.decimalDigits);


In the previous code, BaseCalculator?s decimalDigits variable is accessible to Calculator since a new instance of BaseCalculator was supplied to the Calculator?s prototype. If you want to disable access to parent type variables defined in the constructor you can assign BaseCalculator?s prototype to Calculator?s prototype as shown next as opposed to assigning a new BaseCalculator instance:


var Calculator = function () {     this.tax= 5; };  Calculator.prototype = BaseCalculator.prototype;

Because the BaseCalcuator?s prototype is assigned directly to Calculator?s prototype the decimalDigits variable defined in BaseCalculator will no longer be accessible if you go through a Calculator object instance. The tax variable defined in Calculator would be accessible of course. For example, the following code will throw a JavaScript error when the code tries to access decimalDigits. This is due to BaseCalculator?s constructor no longer being assigned to the Calculator prototype.


var calc = new Calculator(); alert(calc.add(1, 1)); alert(calc.decimalDigits);

Overriding with Prototype

If you?re using either the Prototype Pattern or Revealing Prototype Pattern to structure code in JavaScript (or any other object that relies on prototyping) you can take advantage of the prototype property to override existing functionality provided by a type. This can be useful in scenarios where a library built by a 3rd party is being used and you want to extend or override existing functionality without having to modify the library?s source code. Or, you may write code that you want other developers on your team to be able to enhance/override. An example of overriding the add() function provided in Calculator is shown next:

//Override Calculator?s add() function 
Calculator.prototype.add = function (x, y) { return x + y + this.tax; };
var calc = new Calculator(); alert(calc.add(1, 1));

This code overrides the add() function provided by BaseCalculator and modifies it to add x, y, and an instance variable named myData together. The override applies to all Calculator object instances created after the override.

There?s of course more that you can do with JavaScript prototyping so I recommend reading through this post for additional details and more advanced examples of using the prototype property.

Interested in learning more about structuring JavaScript code?


If you're interested in additional information about structuring JavaScript code check out my latest Pluralsight course. Here's a sample from the course covering closures and how they can be created and used.

Working with Closures in JavaScript

Source: http://weblogs.asp.net/dwahlin/archive/2011/12/19/using-the-javascript-prototype-property-to-structure-and-extend-code.aspx

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